After the 3rd Halal And Healthy Products Exhibition…
3rd Halal and Healthy Products Exhibition were finished successfully during 11-14 October 2012. Much visitor traffic was existed in the exhibition.
Many companies responsible or owners made agreements regarding business during exhibition from domestic or abroad.
Profile Of Exhibition Participant
Many exhibitors take part from Endonesia, Malaysia, USA and South Korea apart from GIMDES Halal Certified companies from Turkey. Additionally, various companies responsible came this important exhibition for make the agreement from different countries such as Algeria, Tunusia, Morocco, Chilie, Japan, Germany, North Cyprus, Canada, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Philistine, Pakistan, India, Endonesia, Malaysia, Tataristan, Bosnia, Kosova, USA, England, Holland, France.

We have talked with GIMDES President Dr. Huseyin Kami BUYUKOZER and got his idea.

Alhamdolillah (Thanks to Allah), we have achieved the biggest Halal and Healthy Products meeting in Turkey. I have visited all stands whole day, and I can easily say that 99% stand owner is incredibly satisfied. I have talked with domestic and abroad visitors as well. I have asked them about the exhibition? They have replied that the visitors’ attendance is above of our estimation.

According to our estimation, there was around 35000 visitors in the exhibition. There was business meetings in all booths. According to our estimation, there was around 35000 visitors at the exhibition. There were business meetings in all booths. The total place which the companies used for their booth was increased around 40%. Around all companies mentioned that they wanted to attend to this exhibition larger than this year.
The other important point in the Halal and Healthy Product Exhibition is press media’s huge interest. TV5 has opened a stand and service during 4 days. Additionally, Yeni Akit, Yeni Asya, Milli Gazete, Milat, Türkiye Gazetesi, Esder, Gıda Sektör, Catring, Yeşilay, TımeTürk and Yenidünya magazines and newspapers have worked actively during exhibition.