The Ideal Islamic Generation Cannot Be Without Halal Food
Today, the basis of the humiliation we have fallen into as the Ummah is that we have turned into an ignorant society. Although we must take Islamic measures as a reference inRead More…
Today, the basis of the humiliation we have fallen into as the Ummah is that we have turned into an ignorant society. Although we must take Islamic measures as a reference inRead More…
With great sadness, we learned about the death of verenable Shaykh Mahmut Efendi, who was the leader of the Ismailaga community, known for his realianceon the Qur’an and Sunnah, serving the ummahRead More…
We are in the shadow of our Laylat al Qadr night, which is a harbinger of our Ramadan at a time when we are approaching the time of farewell and our LordRead More…
May the holy month of Ramadan of all our Muslim brothers and sisters be blessed. May our Lord make this month an occasion for peace, happiness, brotherhood and goodness, Inshaallah. Ramadan isRead More…
One of our blessed nights is the Night of Miraj. Miraj is an ascension, it is a progression from all mean feelings and human emotions to a pure servitude, to the highestRead More…
As a Muslim, what comes to mind first when we feel and think about eating? Undoubtedly, if it is halal and tayyib, then probably taste, smell, or color of the food. IfRead More…
We recently learned the critical issue in their country from ABDUL RAHMAN T. LINZAG, the President of Islamic Dawah Council of the Philippines (IDCP) Halal Institution. The Department of Trade and IndustryRead More…
With the permission of Allah (swt) and the efforts of our comrades, our Dar’ul Halal Madrasah project continues to progress step by step towards its goal. Our donations collected in dollars, eurosRead More…