Some Hair Dyes Cause Lymphoma And Bladder Cancer Risk
Some Hair Dyes Cause Lymphoma And Bladder Cancer Risk Ladies go on to use hair dyes for seeing more beautiful. Gentlemen use these dyes to become younger. This news is very importantRead More…
Some Hair Dyes Cause Lymphoma And Bladder Cancer Risk Ladies go on to use hair dyes for seeing more beautiful. Gentlemen use these dyes to become younger. This news is very importantRead More…
Another Raw material in the Pandora’s Box: L-Cysteine Many new raw materials have been added to manufacturers of food and medicine by producers for requested products by consumers. On the other hand,Read More…
The usage of materials which are used with Haram materials is forbidden without complete cleaning. Therefore, according to Buhari and Muslim (Rahimehumellah) narrated hadiths that Rasullah (P.B.H) is applied that in Khayber conquer.Read More…
12th Annual General Meeting was held in Cape Town, the second-largest city of South Africa, between dates 17-18 October 2014. Islamic Community of South Africa (ICSA) was the organizer and host ofRead More…
World Halal Council Annual General Meeting 12th AGM of WHC will be held in Cape Town, South Africa between 17-19 October 2014. Most of the member and associate member are expected toRead More…
And for all religion We have appointed a rite [of sacrifice] that they may mention the name of Allah over what He has provided for them of [sacrificial] animals. For your godRead More…
The Muslims are brothers to each other, therefore make peace between your two brothers and fear Allah, so that you may gain mercy [Hujurat 49:10]. The entire Muslim nation is a singleRead More…