The President of the Islamic Council of South Africa (ICSA) in South Africa and the Board Member of the World Halal Council, Mr. Respected Thafier NAJJAR, visited GIMDES and met with Dr. Hüseyin Kami BÜYÜKÖZER.

A short interview was held with Mr. Respected Thafier NAJJAR during the visit. The interview details are provided below:

-GIMDES: Welcome to Istanbul.
-NAJJAR: Thank you very much.
-GIMDES: What would you like to say to the followers of GIMDES?
-NAJJAR: First of all, I would like to take this opportunity to state the following:
-If we take GIMDES as a role model and Dr. Hüseyin (Kami Büyüközer) as a leader, then the halal industry will be a very strong and respected industry. At this point, Dr. We thank Hussein and his entire team for providing this special standard of halal tayyiban not only for Muslims but for the entire universe. Why do I say this? Because Allah, the Almighty, Subhanahu wa Ta’ala says in the Holy Quran:

قَالَ رَبُّكَ لِلْمَلٰٓئِكَةِ اِنّٖي جَاعِلٌ فِي الْاَرْضِ خَلٖيفَةًؕ

“And when your Lord said to the angels, ‘I will place a Messenger on earth.’” (Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:30)

This Messenger is to serve humanity, regardless of their religion. This is the role that we as followers of Islam are expected to fulfill.

Organizations like GIMDES exemplify this by providing service to the entire population, to all of humanity. At the same time, when we see what Dr. Hussein and his team are doing at GIMDES, it reminds me of a very powerful hadith of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him:

اذا اراد الله بعبد الخير استعمله في غذائها حوائج الناس

“When Allah intends good for a person, He uses him to serve humanity.” Yes, GIMDES plays this role. So I can only say that the Prophet confirms that Allah intends good for GIMDES and therefore uses them to serve humanity.

As we see them currently serving, may Allah bless them even more, Inshallah.

We express our gratitude to Mr. Thafier NAJJAR for both his visit and the good wishes he expressed about GIMDES during his interview. We pray to our Lord for our brotherhood and unity to be permanent in accordance with the will of Allah.