International Halal Summit 2014 (IHS 2014) was a two-day informative conference about the Halal Industry and its valuable contribution to the economy facing the upcoming regional integration of the Association of SoutheastRead More…
Imaan At A Price
December is the world’s great vacation and travel time, the season of the “thirteenth cheque“, bonuses and exchanging of gifts. From local short hops to holiday resorts through intercontinental travel, pilgrimages orRead More…
Producing Halal Gelatine Is Not Rocket Science
Modernity which belongs to the West invented countless numbers of industrial foods and is now trying to convince us that the gelatine that is used in those artificial foods is Halal. BusinessmenRead More…
Let’s Invent Diseases For Selling More Pharmaceuticals….
LET’S INVENT DISEASES FOR SELLING MORE PHARMACEUTICALS…. Production of drugs and vaccines to cure diseases is still ongoing today with ignorance of Muslims’ faiths. Currently, “we have to invent new diseases forRead More…
Some Hair Dyes Cause Lymphoma And Bladder Cancer Risk
Some Hair Dyes Cause Lymphoma And Bladder Cancer Risk Ladies go on to use hair dyes for seeing more beautiful. Gentlemen use these dyes to become younger. This news is very importantRead More…
Another Raw material in the Pandora’s Box: L-Cysteine
Another Raw material in the Pandora’s Box: L-Cysteine Many new raw materials have been added to manufacturers of food and medicine by producers for requested products by consumers. On the other hand,Read More…
The rule of materials which have treated with Haram foods.
The usage of materials which are used with Haram materials is forbidden without complete cleaning. Therefore, according to Buhari and Muslim (Rahimehumellah) narrated hadiths that Rasullah (P.B.H) is applied that in Khayber conquer.Read More…
12th WHC Annual General Meeting was Held in Cape Town
12th Annual General Meeting was held in Cape Town, the second-largest city of South Africa, between dates 17-18 October 2014. Islamic Community of South Africa (ICSA) was the organizer and host ofRead More…