Members of WHC, the leading umbrella organization of Halal certifiers worldwide got together in Istanbul on 25 -26 October for the occasion of 15th Annual General Meeting. The AGM was hosted byRead More…
Happy Hijri New Year 1439
Happy Hijri New Year 1439 We asked the Almighty to give us blessed new year Islamic Hijri year
Eid Al-Adha Mubarak
Eid Al-Adha Mubarak Wishing that your sacrifices are appreciated and your prayers are answered by the Almighty GIMDES feels great pleasure to sincerely congratulate you on the occasion of the Eid al-AdhaRead More…
GIMDES and World Halal Council will be in International Congress of Islamic Economy, Finance and Ethics (ISEFE) Conference
As Halal is a very crucial Islamic issue; GIMDES under World Halal Council umbrella work to increase the consumers awareness about the importance of Halal and Tayyib products. International Congress of IslamicRead More…
GIMDES Will Organise the 9th International Halal and Tayyib Conference in October 2017
GIMDES, the first and leading Halal certification body in Turkey, is going to organize the 9th Halal and Tayyib Conference in Istanbul in October. While the demand for Halal certified products andRead More…
Eid al fitr Mubarak
Ramadan is an entire month during which Muslims aims to purify themselves, being fast, growing their knowledge/faith. It is an extensive training session for all of us. But Eid al-Fitr comes in.Read More…
WHC Executive Meeting to be conducted in Kuala Lumpur
Executive Members of World Halal Council will meet in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for the mid-year executive meeting. As per the charter of WHC, the leading umbrella body of Halal certifiers worldwide, theRead More…
14th Annual General Meeting of WHC was conducted in Chiba City, Japan on 20-21 November 2016. The most important meeting of World’s reliable Halal certifiers is the Annual general meeting, andRead More…