We bring to your attention the survey study conducted by our Lady Board on this issue

The number of 10000 people we want to reach in the survey has been reached. The answers to the questions in the questionnaire are as follows:

1.) Gender

Number of responses: 9968

Female 93%

Male 6.1%

2.) Age

Number of responses: 9988

(18-25): 42.3%

(25-39): 42.1%

(40+): 16%

3.) Education

Number of responses: 9908

High school: 23%

Associate degree: 17.6%

Bachelor’s degree: 47.7%

4.) Do you know that the word Tayyib means healthy and clean?

Number of responses: 10016

Yes: 84.7%

No: 15.3%

5.) What is your priority when buying products?

Number of responses: 9.943

Halal: 69.8%

Quality: 8.2%

Health: 7.7%

6.) Do you read the content information (Ingredients) on the packaging?

Number of responses: 10.020

On some products I read: 56.1%

Yes definitely: 39.1%

7.) What does the Halal and Tayyib certified product mean to you?

Number of responses: 9.985

Fulfilling religious obligations: 77.5%

Pork and alcohol-free product: 12.9%

8.) What do you think about the necessity of Halal and Tayyib certificate?

Number of responses: 9.987

I check the certificate: 73.4%

I do not think it is a necessity: 12.8%

I do not know: 5.1%

9.) Do you think a Halal and Tayyib certified product is necessary in Turkey?

Number of responses: 9.990

Yes: 97.1%

No: 2.9%

10.) Do you pay attention to the presence of the Halal and Tayyib certificate logo on the products you purchase?

Number of responses: 9.940

Yes: 58.2%

Occasionally: 35.5%

11.) What is your frequency of choosing Halal and Tayyib certified products?

Number of responses: 9.945

Always: 35.2%

Often: 33.4%

Occasionally: 28.7%

12.) Do you think there is a price difference between a Halal and Tayyib certified product and an uncertified product?

Number of responses: 9.947

Yes certifiers expensive: 42.9%

There is a reasonable difference: 28.9%

I did not pay attention: 22.3%

13.) Do you question whether the products are Halal and Tayyib certified when eating out?

Number of responses: 9.880

Yes: 41.5%

No: 13.5%

14.) Do you call any company to find out if the product is Halal and Tayyib certified?

Number of responses: 9.762

Yes: 23.2%

No: 70.2%

For some products I ask: 40.8%

15.) Do you think that foods can lead you to a different point of view? (As it gives happiness)

Number of responses: 9.878

Yes: 87%

No: 10.2%

*The percentage ratios of the answers were calculated according to the total attendance.